Sunday, November 25, 2012

Fall Fun

The International Balloon Festival came to town again.  It's one of my favorite times of the year.  The sky if full of balloons and just looking at all of them brings a smile to your face.  My favorite this year was the ice-cream cone.  There were also Darth Vader and Elvis balloons!

Sadly, the Leon soccer team's season came to a close today in the semi-finals.  They played well, but just not well enough to beat the other team.  Fans can't be too disappointed though, because the team got a lot farther than anyone expected.  I'll miss going to the stadium... until next year!  (Fun fact: I was featured on the post-game tv report eating peanuts! hahaha)

In less than 1 month I'll be back in the USA for the Holiday Season!  xoxo and hohoho!

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