Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Vacation

Hi everyone! Just got back to Mexico from a one week vacation in good ole' Michigan. It was great to spend time with my family. Joe, Dad, and I went to UM to participate in Campus Day (an information session and campus tour for future undergraduates). That's right - Joe's continuing the Damiani tradition and will be attending UM in the Fall! April 20th was my mom's birthday, so we stuffed ourselves at Olive Garden to celebrate. And since I dont have a tv in Mexico, I made sure to catch up on all the trashy tv shows that I miss out on (in other words, watch a lot of the Bravo channel). haha Other than that, I made a couple trips to the mall and just enjoyed my family's company. The photos are some that I took from the plane over Mexico - I thought the clouds were really cool!

Not too much new in's hot of course (highs are just below 100 degrees this week). Also, it's cockfighting season here. Although the sport is illegal in the US, it's popular in Mexico. There is actually a stadium here in Leon where cockfights are held (called the Palenque). I haven't witnessed a fight, but I'm reminded of the sport everyday since people buy and sell roosters on the street! My neighboors have about 8 of them in their yard and contrary to popular belief, roosters don't just cock-a-doodle-doo in the morning, they do it all day! It's quite annoying.

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