Monday, February 8, 2010

Rain Rain Go Away

Time is just flying by here in Leon! It's hard to believe it's been 5 weeks - but at the same time - I feel I've lived here even longer. I thinks it's because I am keeping busy. With all the freezing cold and snow I'm hearing about in the USA, I'm glad to be here in Mexico. However, here we have our own weather problems: like rain. Last week it rained almost non-stop for 3 straight days. This is extremely uncommon in January because the rainy season is June and July. Because the drainage is so poor here, the streets flood and driving (or taking the bus or taxi) is a nightmare. Let's hope that at the end of the month it warms up and dries up like it's supposed to.

Last blog I mentioned that I was planning to take advantage of a day off and travel to Guanajuato for a weekend excursion. Well, for multiple reasons, it never happened. But this might have been for the better. Instead I had a leisurely but very enjoyable weekend. I went shopping at Plaza Mayor and bought some clothes at Zara (a high-end Spanish company), went running at Explora Park, and saw "Enamorandome de mi ex" (It's Complicated) at the theater (very good!).

This past week we lost power in my apartment. It was only for a short while and the funniest thing happened while the lights were out. Esparky, the family chihuahua, came into my room, hopped onto my bed, turned around three times, and curled into a precious little ball on my pillow. Normally I would never let a dog onto my bed, but as you can see in the pictures, the sight was too cute to disrupt.

This past month I've gotten used to taking 7-minute or so showers. Because water in the apartment is warmed by a boiler, you only have as much hot water as the boiler can generate. This is very frustrating since I was used to taking longer showers in the USA, but I am getting used to it. I plan to get my haircut later this week so hopefully that will help reduce hair-washing time!

I tried one new, very Mexican food last week: Dorilocos (literally: crazy Doritos). What they do is open a pack of Doritos and fill it with raw onions, chile, and something else I couldn't identify but later found out was pickled pig skin (yuck - haha). It is popular street food, but I didn't think it was anything special. I would rather just eat plain Doritos!


  1. so, no mummies in guanajuato but chihuahua-mama instead?!!
    luv, mamamia (?mummamia)

  2. Anna - Esparky is now my favorite canine (other than Rosie and Pete, of course). What great pictures! I agree - give me plain old Doritos any time... I know Paul would agree! the old timer
